Fuck you, Perfection

Dani Wieczorek
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

I never liked your nasty voice.

As life goes, we constantly seek any signs to make us feels like we’re doing the right thing or going in the right direction. Does it even exist? By the way, I’m already judging myself for using the word right here. I don’t believe it is the appropriate word.

It’s human nature to want to be part of a large community, and I like that — sharing is caring, right? Oh fuck, that word again. Anyway, the desire to be part of the community can be tricky.

If you know me, you know how much I believe in getting to know yourself. As I started this journey a few years ago, I discovered it is an endless journey as it is the most defying one.

As I believe together we’re better; I do not like the boxes that past structure arranged for us to fit in. I never did. I felt those patterns sometimes pushed me away from who I really am, and I’m sorry patterns, you have no right to do that. Pretending is a very exhausting way of living.

But how the fuck we supposed to know who we are while so many patterns scream for our attention? Well, I can’t answer that for you. It’s a very personal question, you know. What I can do is share how I face the process.

Getting to know yourself is an unpredictable imperfect journey and that is not bad news. It’s just the starting point, and we all have to start somewhere.

Let’s start by rereading it: unpredictable imperfect journey. What that even means?

It means you have no control of the outcome, the result is unexpected, you will make a lot of mistakes, and that’s okay. Accept that you do not always know everything and open yourself. Start seeing everything that happens in your life as an opportunity and see where it takes you. If it takes you to someplace you do not like, you learn something new about yourself, and learning something about you is the most valuable lesson in your self-discovery.

Once you learn, you can apply it. Just do it with lower expectations. Sometimes, it takes a few tries until we get it. Embrace your imperfect side and when the annoying voice of perfection comes to your mind, look it in the eyes and say: fuck off! Your journey will be much more enjoyable.



Dani Wieczorek

I write love letters to myself and others. #EscrevoCartasDeAmor 🪬✨🧿